Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hi guys,

Wow, so cool to see that someone actually reads this! I haven't checked this blog in awhile, but just wanted to say that I am definitely still working on this story. I have about 8 more chapters more or less written, but it's simply a matter of connecting one to the next.

On that note, I do plan on updating this very soon. One of my biggest pet peeves is when stories are abandoned half-way through, so I can assure you, that will not be happening in this case :)



  1. really looking forward to your updates :-)

  2. Really excited to read more of this story!!!! :)

  3. I was beginning to worry that you had given up on this. So glad that you haven't! It's nice to see a story where Sid actually has a personality.

  4. This story got off to such a great start and their personalities seemed very believable and fun! I am glad that you are still working on it because I have been checking every day for updates..

  5. It sucks that you have let this story go.

  6. I don't think she did let it go. Did you not read the above comment? Geez, give the girl a break! It's that time of year ;)

  7. love the story!!!
    ppl post soon!
